History of AECW
Why does Church Unity matter?
Churches professing the Evangelical faith have much in common. They share common interests, concerns and responsibilities. Although each particular church is given by its Head, the Lord Jesus Chris, everything necessary fully to constitute it a church, it will rejoice to acknowledge the existence of other biblical churches. It will seek, out of trust and love founded on a common faith and commitment to the Word of God, to commit itself to mutual encouragement and care between churches. The Associating Evangelical Churches of Wales is one expression of such fellowship.
When did AECW begin?
The AECW was established in April 1988 when representatives from 26 churches in Wales met for the first Annual Assembly in Aberystwyth. This followed extensive discussions and consultations between churches in fellowship with the Evangelical Movement of Wales. During these discussions it became clear that there was a real desire on the part of many churches in Wales to know closer fellowship and co-operation. By the 2022 Annual Assembly there were 59 member churches.
What is the purpose of AECW?
The object of the AECW is to promote co-operation in fellowship and witness between churches that embrace the evangelical faith. It provides opportunities for consultation and co-operation at both a national and local level on issues concerning the churches. It provides a basis from which co-operative endeavours may spring, especially in the areas of evangelism and church planting. The AECW is open to both Welsh and English language churches and is committed to the work of the Gospel in both languages.
How do AECW churches work together?
All member churches belong to one of the 11 Church Clusters through which churches co-operate together at a local level. The Church Clusters are free to decide the level and form of their activity and co-operation together.
How is AECW organised?
The Coordinating Committee consisting of the AECW National Officers and a representative from each Church Cluster facilitates the ministries and activities of AECW.
What authority does AECW have over member churches?
Church authority rests in the local church. All co-operation by a local church in the fellowship of the AECW is voluntary. Member churches are free to choose its level of association with other local churches. The AECW does not interfere in the affairs of member churches. When requested by a church, the Assembly or Church Cluster may express opinions and offer advice but have no power to enforce their decision. Each church will determine whether such opinions are in accordance with Scripture.
How is AECW financed?
The work of the AECW is supported by voluntary gifts from the churches.
What relationships does AECW have with other evangelical organisation?
The AECW enjoys fellowship with the Evangelical movement of Wales.
The AECW is a Corporate Partner of Affinity and is represented on the Affinity Council.
The AECW seeks to support and encourage the ministry of Union School of Theology.
Constitution and Doctrinal Belief
How can churches join the AECW?
The churches in the AECW warmly welcome other churches into their fellowship.
For further information contact: petermilsom@gmail.com